Time to branch out...


So.... this is new...

Branching out

Seeing as you are here, and reading this, you are probably already aware, that I've been creating cross stitch patterns for over a year now.This may seem like a long time for some, short time for others, maybe someone thinks that considering this time number of patterns in my shop should be greater. As it happens I work full time, and I don't always  have enough spare time to tweak and adjust everything to my liking, sometimes I am too tired to even think about it. 

But.... Here comes the new. 

Up to this point I have been using public domain images to create my patterns. Either paintings of authors long dead, or pictures and images people talented and kind enough to aloow free use of their creations. However, we live in superb times all things considered. We have great oppotunities and possibilities no one before us could dream of. One of those is for me AI generated images. I have pictures in my head, but absolutely no talent to allow me to put that images to paper (or screen). But thanks to brilliant people, and advancements in computer sciences and technology, I can now give shapes to those images, and use them in creating my patterns. 


First of those is now ready. Fairy queen premiered on my blog, and will be very soon available on starcraftpatterns.etsy.com 


Thanks to being able to create my own art gives you, my dear potential customers, more possibilities as well. 

You can browse my images on Deviant Art . If you would like for any of them to be turned into cross stitch pattern, please let me know. You can leave a comment here, or on DeviantArt and I will try to get to it as soon as I can.

I also decided to sell some of my art as prints and printed on various items, through Fine Art America. As with the patterns, let me know if you would like to purchase an item with image I have yet not made available. 

Thank you, and enjoy!
